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Anti-Cheat will be disabled for 24 hours...

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On 14th October 21:00 UK Time, Anti-Cheat will be disabled for 24 hours on the 6b6t Anarchy Server!

What's going to happen?

6b6t.org is the second-largest anarchy server (the largest 2b2t.org alternative!) and on 14th October 21:00 UK Time Anti-Cheat will be disabled for 24 hours. This means that hacks like fly, boat fly and more will work! Complete chaos will be happening on 6b6t that day! Join our discord to get notified about this event.


  • Will fly work? - Yes, fly is one of the many hacks that will work.
  • Are the dupes going to work? - You will have to join and see :)
  • When? - 14th October 21:00 UK Time
  • IP? - 6b6t.org for Java and bedrock.6b6t.org for bedrock

Join our discord: https://discord.6b6t.org
